Registration to the Conference is free, but due to the conference room capacity limit, anyone willing to attend must register by sending an email with the subject (registration) to:
With the following information:
- Full name.
- Contact e-mail address
- Affiliation(s)
- Position: Student · PhD Candidate · Postdoc · Researcher · Principal Investigator · Other (specify).
Registration deadline: December 2nd, 2022.
Conference abstracts will be sent via email to:
indicating in the email body the preferred type of communication (oral or poster), before December 2nd, 2022.
Participants are urged to attach their abstracs using the following template, according to which, submissions are expected to be one-page .docx documents including the following information:
- Contribution’s title.
- Author(s) name(s) and affiliations.
- Presenting author name and e-mail address.
- Abstract body (<200 words).
As in previous editions, the companies Certest Biotec and Kampal sponsorize our Conference and offers three awards to the best poster submissions:
- First prize: 250€
- Second prize: 150€
- Third prize: 100€
The decision will be made by the Organising committee and announced during the Conference. The Poster Prize Committee will evaluate the quality of the posters using the following criteria:
- Depth of the scientific content
- Content knowledge and organisation
- Contextualisation (Intro and/or Abstract)
- Poster Design
- Poster Presentation
The maximum size of the posters is vertical A0.